Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wanna help create a Registry of Certified Midwives for MS?

So, you want to help. Now is the time. We have spent a year reaching out to build are community of supporters. Now, we are in a sprint to the finish.

1 – Make sure you get up to date info.

Sign up for our newsletter, so you get the latest info in your inbox.

If you want to get more involved with the discussion on how we communicate, organize events, reach out to the public, details of the bill, and conversations with the legislators – Become a paid member at for just $15.

2 – Send emails, make calls and write letters to the legislators that are considering the bill. Right now, the bill is before the 29 members of the Public Health and Human Services Committee. In order for the bill to move to the House of Representatives for a vote, they must have a hearing and vote in favor by Tuesday, Feb 1st. Get contact info for this committee here:

3 – This is REALLY important. Attend a hearing (or all the hearings). The calls & emails are the motivation for the legislators to actually attend the hearing. The testimony and sheer number of people at a hearing is what makes them engage and vote for a bill. You don’t have to speak, just stand there in the room for an hour or so. If you are coming going to the capitol, call you friends and convince someone to ride along with you. If people do not show up in large numbers, the bill dies. That is just how the system works.

Extra Credit:

There are some other things that will help get this bill passed:

· A home in Jackson where out of town guests can spend the night (and save the cost of a hotel).

· Babysitters in Jackson who can volunteer to watch children (in their home and at the capitol), so others can go to the capitol (although, you can take children with you).

· Someone to write and distribute press releases locally, or across the state.

· People willing to do TV or radio interviews.

· People willing to reach out to political or parenting bloggers, groups etc and gather support. The more supporters the better. This is a consumer issue that applies to every resident of MS – so if you can set a date for a speaking engagement, fantastic. If you can set it up, but don’t want to speak, we can find someone who will.

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